Unlock the Mystical Power: The Limitations of Micro-dosing in Comparison to Archaic Shamanic Practices

Rodolfo De Angeli
3 min readJul 8, 2023

1. Discover the untapped power of ancestral wisdom and rituals in archaic shamanic practices, offering a spiritual exploration that micro-dosing cannot replicate.

2. Explore the mind-body-spirit connection in shamanism, addressing holistic healing and unlocking altered states of consciousness beyond temporary cognitive enhancements.

3. Join a community of seekers in transformative communal experiences, embracing multidimensional healing that goes beyond symptom alleviation in micro-dosing.

Read on to uncover the profound depth and wisdom of archaic shamanic practices compared to the limitations of micro-dosing.


Welcome, fellow psychonauts and seekers of heightened consciousness! In the pursuit of expanding our minds and exploring altered states of consciousness, it is only natural to stumble upon various practices that claim to offer such experiences. Among these, micro-dosing has gained significant popularity. But, before you invest your time and energy into this modern trend, let’s dive into why archaic shamanic practices are in a league of their own and why they offer a depth of experience that micro-dosing cannot replicate.

1. Ancestral Wisdom and Rituals:

Archaic shamanic practices are deeply rooted in ancient wisdom and cultural traditions, passed down through generations. These practices involve elaborate rituals, ceremonies, and deep connections with the natural world. The knowledge accumulated over centuries provides a rich tapestry of spiritual exploration that cannot be replicated by simply ingesting small doses of substances.

2. The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection:

Archaic shamanism recognizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. Through their practices, shamans understand that true healing and altered states of consciousness arise from a holistic approach. Micro-dosing, on the other hand, tends to focus mainly on temporary cognitive enhancements or mood alterations without addressing the deeper spiritual dimension.

3. Intention and Set-Setting:

In the shamanic realm, intention and set-setting hold immense importance. Shamanic practices involve careful preparation and clear intentions. Ritualistic practices such as smudging, drumming, and chanting create a sacred space and mindset to embark upon a spiritual journey. The intention here is not just to seek personal gain but also to connect with the higher realms, seeking guidance and healing.

4. The Communal Experience:

Archaic shamanic practices often involve communal rituals, where individuals come together with a shared intention. This collective energy contributes to a powerful and transformative experience. Micro-dosing, on the contrary, is a solitary pursuit, often devoid of the communal support and energy that can amplify the effects of a spiritual journey.

5. Multidimensional Healing:

Shamans are revered for their ability to heal not only physical ailments but also spiritual and emotional wounds. The underlying belief is that true healing involves addressing the root causes, not merely alleviating symptoms. Micro-dosing may provide temporary relief or enhance mood, but it falls short in comprehensively addressing long-standing emotional and spiritual issues.


While micro-dosing may offer some short-term cognitive enhancements and shifts in perception, it cannot replicate the profound, transformative experiences achieved through archaic shamanic practices. The ancestral wisdom and ritualistic elements of shamanism ensure a holistic approach to consciousness exploration, incorporating mind, body, and spirit. Micro-dosing, as a modern trend, lacks the depth, community aspect, and multidimensional healing that characterize shamanism.

So, dear psychonauts, if you seek true spiritual exploration, depth of experience, and long-lasting growth, consider embracing the wisdom of archaic shamanic practices. Embrace the rituals, surrender to the ancient knowledge, and delve into a world where healing and expansion know no bounds. Open your heart and mind to the vast possibilities that await beyond the realm of micro-dosing, and embark upon a transformative journey that will forever shape your consciousness.

Remember, the choice is yours. Embrace the traditions that have stood the test of time and illuminate your path with ancient wisdom.

Safe travels, fellow seekers!

Where From Here…

Check out The Ancient Ceremonies Way to gain the insights you need to safely prepare for your first or next shamanic healing experience and understand how to integrate the insights into your daily life.



Rodolfo De Angeli

Mentor, Shaman, Speaker - Aligning individuals to their purpose through holistic and transformative practices => https://www.rodolfodeangeli.com